Archive for June, 2015

I’ve acquired a few more Batman miniatures since my last game. I had a chance to field a Twoface gang with Victor Zsasz and his loonies this evening. I have also been keen to try Solumun Grundy particularly after seeing Bane in action last week. Across the table 350 points of Jokers.




We were playing the second scenario from the book so there was a rush for the objectives in the middle of the table. This was won by the Joker gang putting them ahead on Vps at the end of turn one. It also quickly became apparent the the loonies were going to be unreliable henchmen with aggressive schizophrenia and demented giving me problems. One of the demented loonies ended up behind Solomon Grundy who was hit twice with the Jokers exploding teeth and he was knocked out never to return to the game.


In the mid-game the Twoface gang started to claw their way back. I managed to get Twoface camped on the Ammo objective and one of the loonies managed to grab my loot and take it to a fairly safe Titan dose objective. Meanwhile Victor was doing a reasonable job of tying up some of the Joker crew while Solomon was moving into a good mid-table position.


Unfortunately things started to go wrong from here. One of the Loonies attacked Twoface and to add insult to injury the Joker used his one shot gun on Twoface getting a Critical Casaulty and knocking him out of the game. Very cinematic but very annoying too!



At this point we called it a night with the Jokers a good way ahead and in a comnanding position. Although the Victor and his loonies are very characterful they are difficult to manage. I was impressed with Solomon Grundy and I will definitely be using him again and more aggressively. I must say the Joker was awesome in this game. His ranged attacks were devastating and he also managed to make a fair bit of ground around the centre of the table making a nuisance of himself.
Despite the result still loving this game and looking forward to more.

Arkham Asylum

Posted: June 7, 2015 in Painting and Modelling

Recently I had one of those ‘gotta get it’ hobby moments when browsing one of the Batman facebook pages. A chap had been given a creepy looking doll house and the communtiy had identified it as a Quay Woodcraft Fantasy Villa. I noticed there was one for sale on Amazon for the very reasonable price of £16.99 and that was it for me. Pictures below show the original inspiration from facebook and my effort about 4 fours into building.





I think this will make a really noice terrain piece. It has good balconies for 3D gaming and the fact you can get models inside is a bonus. Scale wise I would say it’s a tad too large but nothing too obvious. I’m going to try and make it up in the style of the Arkham Asylum.
In terms of construction it’s not the easiest. The biggest problem is the totally useless instructions. Luckily there is a logic to the bits so I have been able to make good progress. The bits fit together well and it is pretty robust. More updates on this soon…..

More Batman action

Posted: June 3, 2015 in Gaming

Another game of Batman. This time Twoface was taking on a Bane crew supported by Catwoman.




We played Scenario one with all the usual objectives and trimmings. In the early action I learnt a healthy respect for the assault rifle / bullef proof vest combo sported by one of Bane’s henchmen. In fact this particular dude managed to get a couple of rounds of shots in on Twoface and he was taken down. Not a good start 😦




Twoface’s demise was a major blow but nothing compared to what was to come. Bane waded into the action and he was irresitable in close combat. To be fair he was not removing models from play, but he was quite easily putting out six stun markers each round and knocking my Twoface crew into the middle of next week. Things were looking pretty desperate for my gangsters, although I did manage a few points on the objectives. When the end of the game came Twoface had been beaten comprehensively on points and the Bane crew were barely scratched.


So, despite the beating it was another good game. I was very impressed with the Assault rifle, Bane and Catwoman. I had over estimated Twoface’s resilience and payed the penalty big time. Nonetheless I’m feeling that I understand this game much better and I still like what I see. I think next time I shall try a different crew – probably Poison Ivy and see where that leads me.