Jacob Lynch Crew

Posted: December 18, 2013 in Malifaux, Neverborn, Painting and Modelling, The 12 Labours of NoB

I’m keen to give Malifaux 2nd edition a go. I briefly played a 1st edition McMourning Crew and although I enjoyed the game and the fluff Warmahordes has become my skirmish game of choice. The one frustration I had with McMourning was the very contrived winning strategy of killing my own Canine Remains then spinning round twice and saying wibble during a full moon in order to turn it into a a Flesh construct. Not strictly true of course but there seemed to be a lot of bizarre hoop jumping required to get the crew to a competitive state. I’m hoping this sort of nonsense won’t be a prominent feature of Malifaux 2.0 but just in case I’ve decided to put the Ressers aside for now and try a different crew.
I’ve got a massive collection of 2nd hand Malifaux metals but I was interested to find a new plastic crew amongst them. This was a Jacob Lynch crew. A quick bit of google research revealed he perhaps not the best master but there are several reasons why I’m attracted to him :
1) I’m keen to try the new Malifaux plastic range.
2) I quite like his fluff as an enigmatic and lucky card shark with his gang of criminal misfits.
3) His crew include foxy ladies and gribbly monsters. Result!
4) I have a nice resin Wild West hotel squirrelled away so this would be a good opportunity to do some cool terrain.

So, there we go Jacob Lynch crew on the way.


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